Teleflora - First in New Zealand, First in Floristry
Teleflora New Zealand has been established since 1926. For many years, it was the only florist relay service in New Zealand and one of the first in the world.
Over the last 80 years we've built a network of over 120 local florist members, and we're connected to over 50,000 affiliated florists based in over 100 countries. Teleflora is administered by a central service that accepts phone and web orders and distributes them via our network of local, professional florists. So the recipient will always receive the freshest flowers beautifully hand arranged by a professional florist member.
Our members are proud of their heritage. Over the years two books have been written and published detailing the early years of Teleflora in New Zealand. They provide great pen-portraits of some of the many characters in our several generations of florists. Many of our historical materials have been donated to the national archives as a history of floristry in New Zealand.
For the convenience of those who would like to read more about our history, we have provided links below to download these two books in PDF. A free Adobe PDF reader will be required to read these documents.
Teleflora Published Works
L.V. Phillips, "Teleflower Story: A Partial Record Of
The First 50 Years Of Teleflower Incorporated", Teleflower 1975
[Click to Download Part 1] |
[Click to Download Part 2]
P.A.duRhone, "The Teleflora Story; Celebrating 75 years", Teleflora Inc 2001
[Click to Download]
Teleflora New Zealand is a part of the Teleflora and Petals Network family. In 2009 Teleflora New Zealand was purchased by Petals Network. Headquartered in Armidale, Australia, the network spans over New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom with over 1,300 member florists. This meant Teleflora New Zealand could provide same day delivery services not only nationwide but also throughout Australia and the United Kingdom. In June 2012, Teleflora was acquired by an affiliate of Teleflora USA, making Teleflora New Zealand a part of the world’s largest flower delivery service.