Frequently Asked Questions
Teleflora Florist Network understands that purchasing fresh flowers and gifts for friends and loved ones is a very important decision and the process should be as easy and as enjoyable as possible! Below are the most common questions asked frequently by our customers. If your question isn’t answered here, please contact us.
- Can you confirm if my order has been delivered?
- What is the difference between Standard, Classic and Deluxe?
- Why use Teleflora?
- What is the cut-off time for me to place my order?
- Can my order be delivered on weekends and/or public holidays?
- Can I request a specific delivery time for my order?
- Can you deliver to hospitals?
- Are there any areas you cannot deliver to?
- Will additional charges ever apply to my order?
- Can I have alcohol sent with my order?
- Can I have gourmet food or other gift items sent with my order?
- How large is your delivery area around the world?
- What if I can't see the product I want on Teleflora sites?
- What payment methods can I use?
- How can I be sure my credit card details are secure when purchasing online through Teleflora?
- How do I place my order?
- How do I redeem my voucher or coupon?
- How can I be sure that Teleflora has received my order?
- What do I do if my credit card is declined?
- How do I make changes to my order or cancel my order after I have placed it?
- What happens if there are delivery or other problems with my order?
- Why do you need to substitute sometimes?
- What happens if the recipient of my gift is not at the delivery location at the time the gift is delivered?
- Does Teleflora store any personal information about me or the recipient of my gift?
Can you confirm if my order has been delivered?
If you haven’t received an order confirmation and are simply wanting to know that your order has been received by
Teleflora, please contact our friendly Customer Service Team on 0800 909 090. We can easily email you confirmation of the order if there has been a system glitch preventing us from sending confirmation first time around.
Should you be seeking confirmation that your intended recipient has taken delivery already or to get an updated delivery time, please be aware that we don’t have the ability to track your order and so therefore are unable to provide you with a delivery confirmation or expected time of delivery. In our experience, recipients generally contact you shortly after delivery to thank you for their gift either by phone, email or SMS. Bereavement orders can be a little different. We find that flowers sent to funerals or soon after a funeral service can take a couple of days to be acknowledged simply because of the sheer number of flowers received at the one time.
Should you have reason to be concerned that your order hasn’t been delivered on the nominated day please firstly check your order confirmation to ensure the correct address was provided and then please confirm with your intended recipient that they aren’t in receipt of their gift. Be sure to have them check that it hasn’t been left at a front or back door that may not get used. Whilst we understand that this can be an uncomfortable call to make, we often find that there are reasons why the recipient hasn’t phoned you immediately upon receipt. Should the address be correct and you’ve spoken to the recipient who has confirmed they are not in receipt of your gift, please contact our Customer Service Team on the number provided above and they will be more than happy to investigate the matter further.
What is the difference between Standard, Classic and Deluxe?
We offer our customers the opportunity to upgrade selected bouquets and arrangements from the standard size (as pictured) to our classic or deluxe sizing. An upgrade enables our florist to individually select more beautiful blooms to add to your chosen item to the value paid.
Why use Teleflora?
Established 1926, Teleflora is one of New Zealand's oldest and most trusted floral relay services. It was the first florist relay service in New Zealand by many years and one of the first in the world. Today, we have built a network of over 120 florists throughout New Zealand and we're internationally connected to over 50,000 affiliated florists in over 100 countries.
What is the cut-off time for me to place my order?
Monday to Friday:
Same day delivery by Teleflora is guaranteed for orders placed before 2pm in the recipient's time zone. Same day delivery can be available on orders placed after these times, but it is not guaranteed. Flower deliveries to residential addresses usually occur between 9:00am and 7:00pm.
Same day delivery by Teleflora is available throughout New Zealand on orders placed before 10.00am in the recipient's time zone. Same day delivery can be available on orders placed after these times, but it is not guaranteed.
These cut off times do not apply to busy floral
events including (but not limited to) Mother's Day, Valentine's Day and
Christmas. Please check the website for the order cut off times for these days.
Sunday & Remote Locations:
Deliveries to remote and RD areas may not be same-day guaranteed. We cannot guarantee Sunday deliveries, however we will always try our very best to get it there as requested.
Same Day Delivery Exclusions:
There are some locations due to their remoteness that cannot be guaranteed for same day delivery. If this is the case, Petals will notify you with alternative delivery options. Most same day deliveries require a 3 hour turn around. While we will try our best, we cannot guarantee delivery to hospitals, businesses and funeral services without a minimum 3 hours notice.
Can my order be delivered on weekends and/or public holidays?
Same Day Flower Delivery:
Teleflora can same day deliver orders on Saturday if they are placed with Teleflora before 10.00am in the recipient's time zone. Teleflora cannot always deliver orders on Sundays (with the exception of Mother’s Day Sunday). If Sunday delivery is preferred, it is advised that you contact Teleflora directly to make arrangements for Sunday delivery.
In most cases, Teleflora is unable to deliver orders on public holidays. It is advised that you contact Teleflora directly to make requests for delivery on public holidays.
Can I request a specific delivery time (eg. morning or afternoon) for my order?
Yes, for most orders you are able to request a morning or afternoon delivery during normal business hours. Please notify Teleflora of your preference for either AM or PM when placing your order.
Please Note: While Teleflora offers customers the opportunity to nominate a preferred time of delivery (i.e. AM, PM or ASAP) it is not possible to guarantee that these times will be achieved. Teleflora uses a network of local florists around the world to deliver flowers so that customers receive the freshest possible gift. Consequently, there are often local reasons why an order can not be delivered within your preferred time frame (for example, courier delivery times).
If the flowers are for a timed event (for example, a funeral), the florists will do their best to assist. However, Teleflora strongly recommends that you provide us with an alternative address so the flowers can be delivered elsewhere if too late for the timed event.
Can you deliver to hospitals?
Our florists are experienced in delivering flowers to hospitals but will do so in accordance to hospital policies. Please check with the hospital before placing your order. Some common policies are:
- Most flower deliveries cannot be delivered to the recipient's room by the florist and may have to be left at the nursing station.
- Some hospitals do not allow lillies and latex balloons as they are common allergens.
- Flowers, plants and fruit cannot be delivered to Intensive Care Wards and Units.
Are there any areas you cannot deliver to?
At Teleflora we try our best to ensure your flowers are delivered on time to the right location. Unfortunately, Teleflora cannot offer same day delivery or deliver to some locations due to their remoteness. Some deliveries may be required to be collected from the nearest town or depot, if this is the case the recipient will be notified.
Due to the perishable nature of our products, we do not deliver flowers and gifts to PO Boxes or Locked Bag addresses. Teleflora cannot deliver to the territorial islands of New Zealand and to some RD adresses.
We do not guarantee delivery to the following timed events:
- Funerals
- Wedding Receptions
- Parties
- Functions
We do not guarantee delivery to the following places:
- Hospitals (especially Intensive Care Units)
- Army, Airforce and Naval Bases
- Ships
- Jails
- Secure Buildings
- Hotels
- Mines
Will additional charges ever apply to my order?
Charges in addition to standard service and handling fees may apply to some orders. If an order has to be re-delivered due to (for example) recipient not at delivery address or wrong delivery details, additional charges may be incurred.
Please Note: In the event of additional charges applying, Teleflora will contact the purchasing customer to notify them of any changes to their purchase price.
Can I have alcohol sent with my order?
Yes, however if you place an order that includes alcohol and Teleflora is unable to deliver the alcohol, our florists will replace the alcohol (to equal value) with flowers or gift items that suit your order.
Can I have gourmet food or other gift items sent with my order?
Yes. Teleflora has several products that include a gourmet food or other gift items. Teleflora will make every effort to complete the order as requested. However, Teleflora does not always guarantee the inclusion of these items. Images shown on Teleflora websites are a guide only and gourmet and food products vary regionally and are not always available. Teleflora will make reasonable substitutions when necessary. Please refer to the Teleflora substitution policy for more information.
How large is your delivery area around the world?
Teleflora can either same-day deliver or next-day deliver to over 100 countries around the world.
Click here for more information on placing international flower orders online.
What if I can't find a product I want online? Can I customize my request?
Please contact us and our experienced representatives will work with you on the order to make sure that we capture your specific needs. Teleflora will make every effort to complete the order as requested.
What payment methods can I use?
Teleflora accepts:
- Paypal
- Visa
- MasterCard
Can I be sure that my credit card details are secure when purchasing online through Teleflora?
Yes. Teleflora takes the security of our customers' credit cards very seriously. All Teleflora sites are secured using McAfee Secure. This ensures that all information you send online to us will be encrypted. Certificate technology allows us to decrypt the information, and view it in plain text form.
Making your Selection:
Ordering from Teleflora is easy! You can browse our range of products either via the homepage of our website, or by visiting any of our occasion categories.Placing the Order:
Once you have made your selection and have added any special extras, add the choosen product to your shopping cart. Then proceed to the checkout.Processing Your Payment:
Follow the steps to complete the 'Secure Order Form', ensuring that you complete the * required fields. If you need to make any changes you can click on your 'back' button and edit your order before final submission. After reviewing your order and checking that everything is correct, click the 'submit' button to send your order to Teleflora for processing and delivery.
How do I redeem my Teleflora voucher or coupon?
- To redeem your Teleflora voucher or coupon, select your products and go to the checkout.
- You can enter your voucher or your promotional code in the 'Promotion Code' field on the shopping cart or;
- Proceed to the checkout
- Enter the recipients delivery information and continue to billing
- Enter your billing information
- At the bottom of the billing page, you will find a section called "Promotion Code"
- Enter your coupon or voucher code in here and select recalculate
- The discount will now be applied to your order and you can continue to the order confirmation page
How can I be sure that Teleflora has received my order?
When ordering online, once you have placed your
order you will be shown a confirmation page and a receipt number. Teleflora recommends that you either print this page or note your receipt number for future reference. When ordering online you will also receive an e-mail from Teleflora confirming that your order has been received. You can also request a confirmation e-mail of your order when placing your order via the telephone.
What do I do if my credit card is declined?
In the event that your credit card is not able to be charged, you will be notified by Teleflora (usually via the e-mail address you have supplied to Teleflora). You will then need to contact your financial institution for further assistance and/or contact Teleflora to provide a different form of payment.
Please Note: That your order will not be processed until your credit card is able to be charged the full amount of your order. Your order will be placed on hold until further notice by Teleflora.
How do I make changes to my order or cancel my order after I have already placed it?
You are certainly able to cancel or make changes to your order after it has been
placed with Teleflora within a reasonable timeframe before delivery. Please
contact us.
Please Note: If e-mailing details of your changes to Teleflora, you will need to include your order receipt number in the subject line of your e-mail.
What happens if there are delivery or other problems with my order?
Delivery problems can occur for a number of reasons. They are usually related to the recipient of the gift not being at the address at the time of delivery, or incorrect recipient contact details supplied to Teleflora. Teleflora will always do our utmost to assist all customers with any concerns or complaints that they may have. Depending on the circumstances of the delivery issue, extra delivery and wastage charges may apply.
Our member network is comprised of florists and relay organisations around the world. Every effort is made to deliver flowers and gifts on the day requested and in a condition that reflects the high standards set by member florists and floral relay organisations. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions and Substitution Policy for further information.
Why do you need to substitute sometimes?
Due to temporary availablity issues and
flowers that are not in season, our florists may find it necessary to substitute flowers, plants, gift items or containers/baskets. Every effort will be made by our florist to perserve the style and colour scheme of your order. All substitutions will be made of products of equal value or higher. Please refer to our Substitution Policy for more details on substitution.
What happens if the recipient of my gift is not there to received the order I placed?
Teleflora and Network Members are not responsible for deliveries if the recipient is not at the location at the time of delivery or if incorrect or incomplete information is provided. If you are the customer, you must make sure that the recipient will be at the location on the date given on the order form for delivery or provide alternate instructions.
It is recommended that a contact phone number for the recipient be provided on the order form so that should the courier have difficulty locating the address or is having difficulties accessing a building, the courier can contact the recipient to check if they are at the location before they attempt to deliver the gift. If you do not wish the recipient to be contacted you need to provide alternative contact details. If a phone number has not been provided on the order form and the recipient is either not at the location when the delivery is made or the courier has difficulty locating the delivery address completely they may do one of the following:
- Leave a "not at home" card at the recipient's location and return the order to the florist. This card explains the situation and asks the recipient to contact the supplier to arrange delivery. Additional delivery charges may apply if the supplying florist has to deliver the gift more than once. Alternatively, the recipient may arrange to collect the order from the florist.
- If the courier deems the location to be a "safe" location the item will be left at the address provided. In these cases, delivery will be deemed to have been made successfully. If you do not want the order left at the address please ensure this information has been provided in the special instructions field on the order form.
Does Teleflora store any personal information about me or the recipient of my gift?
Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information.