Bouquets and Arrangements for Every Occasion
Choose a chic bouquet for a great birthday surprise or ruby red roses for a special anniversary. We also have native flowers, pot plants, gift baskets, gourmet hampers and new baby arrangements available for delivery to the home, office, hospital, nursing home or venue. For the times when words aren’t enough, we have a sympathy range including funeral tributes, wreaths and arrangements to help you convey your deepest sympathies.
Teleflora: First in New Zealand, First in Floristry!
Teleflora prides itself on our high standards. We believe our reputation for excellence, and our commitment to high standards of customer service sets us apart from other organizations. With over years in business Teleflora has reassessed our standards and we continue to set high goals for ourselves.
So, you know that with Teleflora you can expect the best.
Teleflora New
Zealand understands that purchasing flowers and gifts for friends and loved ones
is a very important decision and the process should be as easy and enjoyable as
possible! Our local Balclutha florists are
experts in floral design and will create a beautiful floral gift that can be
delivered straight to the home, workplace, hospital or venue. Our florist source
the freshest and best flowers from their local markets and growers, your
bouquets and arrangements will be of the highest quality. If you're looking to
send a gift to Balclutha choose one of our best selling floral bouquets and
arrangements. At Teleflora, you can be confident you'll be sending the freshest
flowers in Balclutha! At Teleflora we have a New Zealand network of around 120
approved member florists. Internationally, we're connected to over 50,000
affiliated florists based in 84 countries. Teleflora is administered by a
central service that accepts phone and web orders and distributes them via our
network of local florists so the recipient gets the freshest flowers beautifully