At Teleflora we love flowers! We're happy to share that passion with local, professional florists. Membership is open to all professionally trained florists operating a local floristry business within New Zealand.
Teleflora does all it can to make your career as a florist both a pleasure and a success. All our members are approved florists - they know and love flowers just like we do. While our members have met stringent guidelines in order to achieve their membership, they also experience an exciting and rewarding business partnership with Teleflora New Zealand. Afterall there's nothing quite like flowers!
Unlike some florist relay services in New Zealand, we don't restrict who you send orders to and what companies you trade with. We understand to remain competitive and in business our florists need to operate and trade with local customers, international partners and online affiliates alike! We're supportive of our florist's endeavours and offer membership to passionate and professional florists.
Teleflora can provide a level of business support that will look very attractive on your business bottom line. You receive a substantial flow of inward orders every year, you pay a nominal fee to send orders to the most popular overseas destinations, and you benefit from simpler accounting systems and faster payment of credits.
But most of all, at Teleflora you are a part of wide network of friends, who are only to happy to assist you and offer their experience to you.
To find out more, call 0800 565 200 or send email to: [email protected]
We'd be delighted to hear from you and hope you enjoy being a Teleflora member as much as we do!