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Teleflora Florists in Dunedin, Otago


Local Flower Delivery in Dunedin

Our local Dunedin florists are experts in floral design and will create a beautiful floral gift that can be delivered straight to the home, workplace, hospital or venue.

Teleflora florists are New Zealand’s best and offer a great range of services from specialised flower delivery to wedding flowers and decor. Our florists also offer specialised sympathy and funeral flower delivery to the home, service or church.

Many of our florists can organise same day delivery as well. Teleflora florists offer a great range of flowers including bright and pretty bouquets, exquisite flower arrangements & elegant red roses. All gifts are hand arranged and delivered straight to the door.

If a florist doesn't come up for your destination, we can still handle your order as many florists cover more than just the location of their business. Send your order through and we will find a florist for you!

Flower and florist delivery to Dunedin

Local Teleflora Florists Address

Amaryllis For Flowers

Speciality Services:
Balloon, silk flowers, dried flowers and soft toy delivery.
74B St Andrew Street,
Phone: 034749074
Fax: 034749075
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Bunches and Bows Floral Design

Speciality Services:
Balloon, silk flowers, and soft toy delivery.
Shop 9, Albion Place,
Phone: 034778703
Fax: 034790449
View on map

For more information about Teleflora Florists contact us on 0800 909 090 or email